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The WHeel of the year


Our rhythms are often out of harmony with the rhythms of nature. This spiritual practice group is all about practicing with the wheel of the year.

We will start October 1, taking time during fall to engage spiritual practices that help us harvest what has grown in our lives in the past year, keeping what benefits us and our communities and letting go of what doesn't. In January we will begin to engage practices around stillness, rest, and waiting for winter. In spring, we will wake up, plant, and nourish, and in summer we will tend and grow.

You don't have to sign up to come, it helps us know how many people to expect and to connect before the group begins.

What's the schedule like?


We will meet the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month at a public gathering space to talk about our lives, the theme of the season, reflect on how our practices are going and learn the practice for the next two weeks. In between meetings we will find ways to move our practice out into the world with one another or check in with others for practice support. We will also have additional seasonal celebrations with the whole CSP community.

Who is this for?

This group is for anyone interested in learning new practices and/or anyone interested in practicing with the movement of the seasons.

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