As a community in formation, we are trying different ways of gathering so that we figure out what works best for us as a community. All of these gatherings will include prayer, scripture, reflection time, song, and communion and follow ancient patterns of worship with modern elements. It will be Christian, but also a bit expansive with some elements that are broader than Christian worship tends to be.
Upcoming Opportunities
Worship for August 25
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America ELCA Liberation Affirming LGBTQIA+ Queer Theology Christian Christianity
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America ELCA Exvangelical LGBTQIA+ Christian Spirituality
In worship, we gather to praise, to lament, to encourage, to challenge, to soothe, and to heal. You don't have to be Christian to join us, and we're not going to try to change you. If you're longing for community, connection and collective liberation, you are welcome here.
We gather for connection
We gather to connect with our creator, our ancestors, community, creation and ourselves. We do this in ways that are rooted in ancient patterns and practices, expressed through words, music, and actions that reflect who we are as a community right now.
We do all this through story, music, art, prayer
We gather to praise, to lament, to encourage, to challenge, to soothe, and to heal.